Antidote to personal doom and gloom .. (adapted from Luke Johnson’s suggestions: Financial Times: Nov 9, 2011)
1) Study history: It puts the present situation into context. Worse situations have occurred many times before
2) Avoid the news: Editors believe bad news sells better than good. Neither do many hesitate to exaggerate
3) Spend more time with the young: Age and experience make too many older people cynical and at times melancholy
4) Remain rational : The worst almost never happens
5) Avoid pessimists: Keep the company of sunny characters
6) Read the Stoics: Writers such as Marcus Aurelius have given uplifting advice for hundreds of years
7) Admit mistakes and move on ; We all make bad decisions at times. Don’t dwell on them. Recognize them, learn, and move on
8) Keep busy: dynamic individuals don’t have time to become depressed nor are interested in doing so
9) Get fit: physical exercise is an excellent antidote for stress. Endorphins help banish the blues
10) Focus on small wins: we all have little victories every day
11) Ignore events over which you have no control: worrying about such things, such as what will happen to the Euro, is a waste of intellectual effort.
12) Concentrate on your own micro-economy: forget the macroeconomic climate.
13) Laugh: seek out comedy when you can. Don’t take yourself too seriously