Saturday, January 8, 2011

An aspirin a day may keep cancer away....

The results of a major UK based study involving 8 clinical trials and looking that the affects of taking low dose daily aspirin in the prevention of a number of cancers, has recently been released. The results are staggering. Low dose daily aspirin reduced the rate of cancer deaths by 21% during the trials and 20% over a 20 year period after the trials.  (The Lancet,  DOI:10.1016/50140-6736(10)62110-1)

Plants naturally synthesize aspirin because it has a protective effect for them against a number of diseases.  Intensive farming however tends have the effect of lowering or reducing these naturally occurring aspirin levels. Could it be that simply by replacing the aspirin that we would normally have received from naturally grown plant foods we boost our own defenses against diseases such as cancer, defenses which should have been there in the first place.  Whatever the mechanism is, the UK study certainly appears to give a very convincing result.